Dr. Strange | Superheroes | Mobile Wallpaper | P.S. Bytes

 Dr. Strange Mobile Wallpaper | P.S. Bytes

Dr. Strange Superheroes Mobile Wallpaper for Android and Apple Phones | P.S. Bytes

Dr. Strange stands tall, his cloak billowing dramatically behind him. He's clad in a unique costume – a crimson cloak with a golden collar that drapes over a blue and gold tunic adorned with intricate designs. His goatee and dark hair are neatly styled, and a determined glint shines in his eyes.

One hand might be raised, fingers forming mystical gestures as he concentrates on channeling an arcane spell. The other hand could be gripping the Eye of Agamotto, a powerful artifact pulsating with an otherworldly light. Strange is likely surrounded by swirling energy – tendrils of light that warp and bend the very fabric of reality around him.

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